Diagnosis by image

Conventional radiology (X-rays)

At Global Medical Care we have a conventional radiology equipment so we can perform all the necessary radiographic examinations. By digitally processing the image, we avoid the use of developing liquids and therefore generating waste that is very toxic to the environment.In addition it provides us with optimal images and less irradiation to the patient.

Afterwards we will show you the x-rays and will record them on a pendrive so that you can take them to your specialist.

The facility complies with the regulations of the Department of Health and undergoes mandatory periodic inspections.

Conventional radiology (X-rays)


Since 2021 we have incorporated general ultrasound into our medical practice as diagnostic and follow-up support for our patients. This tool allows us to be much more precise in diagnoses and better direct treatments. It also allows us to study during movement, which is impossible in other tests such as tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

The incorporation of ultrasound in daily medical practice is now a reality because it provides enormous information, very quickly and free of side effects.

The application fields are many, among them:

  • Musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK)

    For many types of sports or trauma injuries of muscular, aponeurotic, tendon, ligamentous and bone surface origin. Some applications:

    • Epicondylitis or tennis elbow, very common in tennis, paddle tennis, racquetball, work and casual injuries.
    • Muscle tears: hamstring muscles, quadriceps femoris, calves, pectoralis major, etc.
    • Tendon ruptures: tendons of the shoulder rotator cuff, Achilles tendon, rectus femoris, biceps brachii, patellar tendon, etc.
    • Sprains and tears of ligaments not visible on x-rays: collateral ligaments of the elbow, knee, ankle, wrist, etc.
    • Bursitis and cutaneous, subcutaneous, muscular, lymph node, etc. tumors.
    • Assessment of hernias and abdominal wall defects.

    With this we achieve:

    • A precise diagnosis of the injury, measuring its extension and monitoring its evolution in images.
    • Better coordination with physiotherapists to ensure that the injury heals with maximum guarantees.
    • Monitoring the readaptation of the injury to practice sport .
  • Abdominal ultrasound

    Diagnostic support for processes such as biliary, pancreatic, hepatic, renal or urinary tract pathology, uterine, ovarian, prostatic, etc., and abdominal wall musculature in the evaluation of hernias. Also for the study of the abdominal aorta.

  • Pleuropulmonary ultrasound

    It offers us greater precision than conventional radiology in the diagnosis of many processes of the lung and pleura.

  • Cardiac ultrasound or clinical echocardiography

    For diagnostic confirmation of valvular alterations in the detected murmurs and subsequent referral to cardiology.

  • Emergency ultrasound

    It consists of the application of different ultrasound protocols such as RUSH, BLUE, e-FAST, etc., which gives us rapid information for the diagnosis and treatment of emergency pathology such as pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, pulmonary thromboembolism, peritonitis, pneumothorax, appendicitis, etc.

  • Arterial and venous Doppler ultrasound

    Study of the venous trunks of the lower extremities, their permeability and the presence or absence of thrombi inside them.

  • Ultrasound-guided puncture

    Ultrasound makes it easier for us to guide the needle and be able to place the infiltrated medication where it is really needed, as well as the controlled extraction of spills and collections of fluids and pus. Very useful in the infiltration of joints and bursae.

But the most important thing is that it allows us to teach and explain the images to our patients so that they understand what is happening to them and can collaborate in their own treatment, as well as being able to see and understand their evolution and relate it to their sensations.

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